
26 November, 2008

The Music Middle Class

A couple of weeks ago, at the Grammy Northwest Music Tech Summit, Ian Rogers from Topspin Media held an interesting keynote about the new music marketing model and the truly existent middle class artists.

Nothing really new but I thought that his keynote gives a very clear and concise overview of the actual situation on the music industry.

His speech can be summarized in few points:

1. The old model is dead.
2. The definition of an hit and success have changed.
3. What it really matters is the artist/fan relationship.
4. A new middle class of artists is emerging.

Following there are some of my favourite quotes but you can read the full talk here.

"Continuing to talk about the health of the music industry on these terms is as if we’d all been crying about the dying cassette business in 1995"

"There is nothing wrong with the music business, the problem is with the CD business (PE's Chuck D MIDEM, 2008)"

"Artists: do a 360 deal with yourself"

"There are only two players in the music business that matter at the end of the day: the artists and the fans. The rest of us either add value or get in the way [..] every player needs to either understand how it truly adds value or it needs to get out of the way, Topspin included. Our business does not operate on lock-in, ownership of copy written work, or long-term contracts. We either add value today with a compelling service or we die. And I’m perfectly happy with that" .

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